Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post about posting (wow I am crap at blogging)

Okay, I am wondering what to write about (I have a couple ideas, but nothing seems right for a first real post), and I started looking at other people's blogs. I noticed two things:
1. Okay, why is it that there is no easy way to search for a blog or just browse anything other than the "blogs of note"?? Shouldn't there be categories or something so you can find a blog to read? Are we really all so self-centered that when we log on all we want to see is stuff about our own blog?
2. I assumed people talked about issues or something other people can relate to or wrote about funny things that happen in their everyday life. Or maybe chronicled something even remotely interesting. Yeah, so far not so much. Anyone have an interesting blog that's more than just a million pictures of their kids? Umm... no offense but where's the writing?
I need to be steered in the direction of a good blog. I need to write something remotely interesting. I need to change out of my pajamas at some point today.

Hello Everyone!

Hi. My name is Taylor. I'm just your typical teenage girl, trying to figure out who I am, who I want to be, yadda yadda yadda. This is my blog, which will probably cover some random topics, if I actually ever get around to posting on it. And, you know, if I ever get some readers.